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Using keyboard shortcuts

To use a keyboard shortcut in KaraFun Player, press a modifier key at the same time as a character key. For example, pressing the Control key ("Ctrl" at the bottom of your keyboard) and then the up arrow increases the tone of your karaoke track.

Key or key combination What it does
Spacebar Play or pause a title
Ctrl + + Increase the volume
Ctrl + - Decrease the volume
Ctrl + Up Arrow Increase the tone
Ctrl + Down Arrow Decrease the tone
Shift + Ctrl + Up Arrow Increase the tempo
Shift + Ctrl + Down Arrow Decrease the tempo
Right Arrow Move 5 seconds forward
Left Arrow Move 5 seconds backward
F5 Refresh (rescan the directory)
Key 0 Volume choirs and leads to zero
Key 1 Mute lead vocals
Key 2 Enable all vocals

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  1. Here are the keyboard shortcuts to help you use Magnifier. Win + + [Zoom in] Win + – [Zoom out] CTRL + ALT + SPACEBAR [Preview the desktop in full-screen mode] CTRL + ALT + D [Switch to docked mode] CTRL + ALT + F [Switch to full-screen mode] CTRL + ALT + I [Invert colors] CTRL + ALT + L [Switch to lens mode]

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